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Наслов: New Records for the Caddisfly Fauna (Insecta: Trichoptera) of the Karadak Mountains, Western Balkans
Authors: Musliu, M., Ibrahimi, H., Bilalli, A., Slavevska-Stamenkovič, V., Hinić, J. & Bozdoğan, H.
Keywords: Trichoptera, Kosovo, R. North Macedonia, Rhyacophila bosnica, Tinodes kimminsi, Stenophylax permistus, new records
Issue Date: 2020
Journal: Journal of the Entomological Research Society
Series/Report no.: Vol. 22;No. 2
Abstract: We collected adult caddisfly specimens occasionally during 2017 at the Karadak Mountains, which remains one of the least explored mountainous areas in the Western Balkans. Here we report 15 species, three of which are first records for the Karadak Mountains and Republic of North Macedonia: Rhyacophila bosnica Schmid, 1960, Tinodes kimminsi Sykora, 1962 and Stenophylax permistus McLachlan, 1895. In addition to this, new localities of R. bosnica from Kosovo are reported. We discuss the distribution and ecology of this rare endemic species, including the first noted winter activity of the adult stage.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/12500
ISSN: 1302-0250
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Journal Articles

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