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Наслов: Mjesto i značaj javnosti u analizi izvještavanja medija o EU
Other Titles: The Importance and Place of the Public in the Analysis of the Media Coverage of the EU
Authors: Donev, Dejan 
Keywords: EU integration, media reality, europeization, public
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Centar za filozofiju medija i mediološka istraživanja, Zagreb
Source: Donev D. Mjesto i značaj javnosti u analizi izvještavanja medija o EU. In Medias Res. Zagreb, 2014; Vol 3, br. 4: 592-601
Journal: In Medias Res, Časopis filozofije medija
Abstract: The work refers to the importance and place of the public in the analysis of media coverage (print and electronic), as well as web portals, in the EU integration of Macedonia. As is already evident, as opposed to declared interest od Macedonian citizens and journalists for the EU, once again confirms what is self-evident from the media reality, that is not engaging of the Macedonian journalists to learn more and thus to inform the public about the facilities dedicated to Europeanization, expressed through only 2% of public participation as a subject in the reporting of the EU, or altogether 4 articles of 170 articles analyzed, and 1 comment. The work aims to analyze it whether it is a selective transmission of information or lack of interest in general about the journalists or the passivity of the public when it comes to the EU, and why this is so.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1115
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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