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Наслов: Burnout, Engagement, and Organizational Culture: Differences between Physicians and Nurses
Authors: Dragan Mijakoski 
Jovanka Karadzinska-Bislimovska 
Basarovska, Vera
Montgomery, Anthony
Panagopoulou, Efharis
Sasho Stoleski 
Jordan Minov 
Keywords: Burnout
Job engagement
Organizational culture
Work demands
Issue Date: 15-сеп-2015
Publisher: ID Design 2012/DOOEL Skopje
Journal: Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Burnout results from a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal workplace stressors. The focus of research has been widened to job engagement. AIM: Purpose of the study was to examine associations between burnout, job engagement, work demands, and organisational culture (OC) and to demonstrate differences between physicians and nurses working in general hospital in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Maslach Burnout Inventory and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale were used for assessment of burnout and job engagement. Work demands and OC were measured with Hospital Experience Scale and Competing Values Framework, respectively. RESULTS: Higher scores of dedication, hierarchy OC, and organizational work demands were found in physicians. Nurses demonstrated higher scores of clan OC. Burnout negatively correlated with clan and market OC in physicians and nurses. Job engagement positively correlated with clan and market OC in nurses. Different work demands were related to different dimensions of burnout and/or job engagement. Our findings support job demands-resources (JD-R) model (Demerouti and Bakker). CONCLUSIONS: Data obtained can be used in implementation of specific organizational interventions in the hospital setting. Providing adequate JD-R interaction can lead to prevention of burnout in health professionals (HPs) and contribute positively to better job engagement in HPs and higher quality of patient care.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9830
ISSN: 1857-9655
DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2015.091
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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