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Наслов: „Recommendations for achievement of longitudinal roughness of pavement surface on the highway“
Authors: Mijoski, G., Lepavcov, A.
Keywords: longitudinal roughness, international roughness index – IRI, pavement surface
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: MASE - ДГКМ
Conference: 14. Меѓународен симпозиум на ДГКМ, „Инфраструктура“ – Струга, 2011, Република Македонија, ISBN 9989-9785-1-8 (kn.2)
Abstract: The roughness of the pavement surfaces its one of the main indicators for usage of pavement surfaces, from aspect of fast, safe and comfortable transport. For that purpose, in the paper are analyzed the manner and the causes of creation of the longitudinal unevennesses of the pavement surface at the highway sections. It’s analyzed their effect and criteria and the ways of measurement, such as the evaluation of the condition of the pavement surface. Also, are given recommendations for achievement of longitudinal roughness of the pavement surface on the highways, which come out from the analysis of the results from the experiment. Their application will create conditions for achievement of bigger roughness of the pavement surfaces and for better project solutions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9331
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Journal Articles

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