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Наслов: „Light features of the driving surfaces, factors that influence them and methods of measurement“
Authors: Mijoski, G., Lepavcov, A.
Keywords: pavement constrution, surface, reflecting characteristics
Issue Date: сеп-2013
Publisher: MASE - ДГКМ
Conference: 15. Меѓународен симпозиум на ДГКМ, Струга, септември 2013, Република Македонија, ISBN 9989-9785-1-9
Abstract: Recently it was realized that photometric features (along with other indicators) are very important for driving surfaces. Lithing properties of the driving surfaces are important for providing a certain level of security, because they are condition for recognition objects in the space, as well as horizontal and vertical signalization. Lighting properties are influenced by construction and external influences. Reflecting characteristics of pavements are very important for traffic safety in most unfavorable conditions, especially on wet pavements at night.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9325
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Journal Articles

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