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Title: Supporting social skills and positive parenting: manual for parents of children with autism spectrum conditions and professionals in their circle of support
Other Titles: Поддршка на социјални вештини и позитивно родителство. Прирачник за родители на деца со состојби од аутистичен спектар и професионалци од нивниот круг на поддршка
Authors: Trajkovski, Vladimir 
Vasilevska Petrovska, Ivana
Keywords: autism, support, social skills, MSSA, positive parenting
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism
Source: Trajkovski V, Vasilevska Petrovska I. Supporting social skills and positive parenting: manual for parents of children with autism spectrum conditions and professionals in their circle of support. Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism, Skopje, 2020; 1‒127.
Project: Autism Social Skills and Positive Parenting Programme
Description: SSFA/MCDA/19-004 – UNICEF project
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 02: Monographs / Монографии

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