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Наслов: Design optimization of Rectifier Transformers
Authors: Salkoski, Rasim
Chorbev, Ivan
Keywords: Optimization, Rectifier transformer, Design optimization methodology, Differential Evolution algorithm, Optimization methods, Wound core type rectifier transformer
Issue Date: 8-мај-2020
Publisher: Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Republic of North Macedonia
Series/Report no.: CIIT 2020 full papers;2
Conference: 17th International Conference on Informatics and Information Technologies - CIIT 2020
Abstract: Optimization refers to finding one or more feasible solutions, which correspond to extreme values of one or more objectives. The need for finding such optimal solutions in a problem comes mostly from the extreme purpose of either designing a solution for minimum possible cost of fabrication, or for maximum possible reliability, or others. Because of such extreme properties of optimal solutions, optimization methods are of great importance in practice, particularly in engineering design, scientific experiments and business decision-making. Rectifier transformers deserve extensive treatment in the field of research and production, due to the fact that the electric energy undergoes several transformations on its way from generators to the consumers i.e. rectifiers. In this paper, an effective application of the population based search Differential Evolution algorithm is proposed with the aim of minimizing the cost of the active part of wound core rectifier transformers. The constraints resulting from international specifications and customer needs are taken into account. The Objective Function that is optimized is a minimization dependent on multiple input variables. All constraints are normalized and modeled as inequalities.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8208
Appears in Collections:International Conference on Informatics and Information Technologies

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