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Наслов: Required parameters in the thermal processes conducted for rice quality improvement
Authors: Mojsovski, Filip 
Tashevski, Done 
Shesho, Igor 
Keywords: rice
paddy parboiling
parboiled rice drying
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Skopje
Journal: Mechanical Engineering – Scientific Journal
Abstract: An investigation was realized to obtain information on paddy parboiling conditions and parboiled rice drying conditions. Parameters required in the processes of paddy thermal treatment were reviewed and compared with research results. Field tests on parboiling autoclaves and mixed-flow rice dryer were made at the parboiling rice factory in Kočani. Three autoclaves with functional capacity of 3000 kg paddy/h and one mixed-flow parboiled rice dryer with capacity of 2500 kg parboiled rice/h were included in the examination. The paddy behavior in the parboiling process was controlled by measurements. The processes of paddy soaking in hot water, steaming, pre-drying, milling and parboiled rice drying were included in the measuring programme. The study was conducted on three local paddy varieties, Monticelli, Saint Andrew and RS76. The range of the required parameters for the processes of paddy parboiling and parboiled rice drying was determined
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8077
ISSN: 1857 – 5293
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Journal Articles

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