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Наслов: People: Summer School of Architecture, Monastery of St. Joachim Osogovski
Authors: Bakalchev, M., Hadzi-Pulja, M., Tasić, S.
Keywords: individuals, mentors, teachers, ideologies, criticism, the process of learning
Issue Date: 28-окт-2016
Publisher: Архитектонски факултет-Скопје
Source: Bakalchev, M., Hadzi-Pulja, M., Tasić, S. (2016). People: Summer School of Architecture, Monastery of St. Joachim Osogovski.1st International Scientific Conference, Learning Architecture,УКИМ, Архитектонски факултет-Скопје, Book of Abstracts, Skopje, 28.10.2016.
Conference: 1st International Scientific Conference, Learning Architecture, УКИМ, Архитектонски факултет-Скопје
Abstract: Learning / education is connected with idea, program, methods of learning. But what about the people? What about all those participants in learning, their features, characteristics, values, weaknesses? Debates on learning centered on ideas / ideology, strategies, policies of educating and of course they are presented/represented/defended by different individuals, but the individuals remain as background in the process of learning - self-evident fact, the background of abstract ideas and models of learning. But is it so? Whether individuals can be excluded from the process of educating or perhaps they constitute it? In the various debates basic ideas embodied in the personsare excluded. The models operate on the basis of abstraction and participants only realized the various procedures of learning and their particular personality are suppressed and relativized.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7749
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Architecture: Journal Articles

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