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Наслов: Association between paracetamol use in infancy or childhood with body mass index
Authors: Murphy, Rinki
Stewart, Alistair W
Braithwaite, Irene
Beasley, Richard
Hancox, Robert J
Mitchell, Edwin A
ISAAC Phase Three Study Group (N. Aıt-Khaled, H. R. Anderson, M. I. Asher, B. Bjorksten, B. Brunekreef, J. Crane, P. Ellwood, C. Flohr, S. Foliaki, F. Forastiere, L. Garcıa-Marcos, U. Keil, C. K. W. Lai, J. Mallol, S. Montefort, J. Odhiambo, N. Pearce, C. F. Robertson, D. Strachan, E. von Mutius, S. K. Weiland, G. Weinmayr, H. Williams, G. Wong, T. O. Clayton, E. Ellwood, M. Gomez, J. Weyler, R. Pinto-Vargas, A. J. da Cunha, L. de Freitas Souza, A. Ferguson, L. Amarales, P. Aguilar,, L. A. V. Benavides, A. Contreras, Y.-Z. Chen, O. Kunii, Q. Li Pan, N.-S. Zhong, A. M. Cepeda, B. N. Koffi, C. Bustos, M.-A. Riikjarv, R. Sa’aga-Banuve, J. Pekkanen, G. Zsigmond, S. N. Mantri, S. K. Sharma, C. B. Kartasasmita, P. Konthen, W. Suprihati, M.-R. Masjedi, H. Odajima, J. Kudzyte, M. Barragan-Meijueiro, B. E. Del-Rıo-Navarro, F. J. Linares-Zapien, N. Ramırez-Chanona, S. Romero- Tapia, Z. Bouayad, R. MacKay, C. Moyes, P. Pattemore, B. O. Onadeko, P. Chiarella, A. Breborowicz, G. Lis, R. Camara, J. M. Lopes dos Santos, C. Nunes J. E. Rosado Pinto, E. Vlaski, H. J. Zar, H.-B. Lee, A. Blanco-Quiros, R. M. Busquets, I. Carvajal-Uruena, G. Garcıa-Hernandez, C. Gonzalez Dıaz, A. Lopez-Silvarrey Varela, M. M. Morales-Suarez-Varela, E. G. Perez- Yarza, O. Al-Rawas, S. Mohammad, Y. Mohammad, K. Tabbah, J.-L. Huang, C.-C. Kao, M. Trakultivakorn, P. Vichyanond, H. H. Windom, D. Holgado, M. C. Lapides, C. E. Baena-Cagnani, D. Sole, M. Sears, V. Aguirre, J. Mallol, S. Barba, L. Waqatakirewa, J. Shah, K. Baratawidjaja, S. Nishima, M. Baeza-Bacab)
E Vlaski 
Issue Date: мај-2015
Publisher: Wiley
Проект: ISAAC Phase Three
Journal: Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)
Abstract: Objective: Paracetamol has the potential to also promote weight gain by indirect activation of cannabinoid receptors. The association between paracetamol use in the first 12 months of life or recent high use and BMI in children and adolescents was investigated. Methods: Paracetamol use in the first 12 months of life (reported by parents/guardians of 6- and 7-yearolds) or in the past 12 months (reported by parents/guardians of 6- and 7-year-olds or self-reported by adolescents aged 13–14) was examined in relation to BMI in a large multicentre cross-sectional study (2000–2003). Linear regression results were adjusted for whether height and weight were reported or measured, age, sex, country gross national income, study centre, maternal smoking, and recent wheeze. Results: Data were available from 76,216 children (18 countries) and 188,469 adolescents (35 countries). BMI was 10.07 kg/m2 higher in children with early life paracetamol exposure, from affluent countries only. Frequent recent paracetamol use was associated with higher BMI (10.17 kg/m2, P<0.0001) among adolescents from affluent countries only, but not in children (P50.41). Conclusions: Paracetamol may be causally related to increased BMI; alternatively, the association may be explained by lifestyle or other factors that correlate with paracetamol use in affluent countries.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7499
DOI: 10.1002/oby.21045
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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