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Наслов: Conceptual Interaction between Art Content and Museum Architecture in Art Museum Design
Authors: Meri Batakoja
Keywords: art museum, architectural design, architectural theory, art theory, art history, art content, museum architecture, microstructure, macrostructure, conceptual, configurational, avant-garde, type, typology, programmatic, artifactual, formative ideas, design techniques, new museology, Space Syntax, Renaissance, studiolo, diaeta, galleria, Enlightenment, musaeum, experiential, experimental, modernism, interactivity, new materiality, new media, new spectatorship, architectural space, narrative space, expressive space, aesthetic space, exhibition design, display, culture, convention, canon, new vision, Gesamtkunstwerk, Einheitskunstwerk, effect, picturesque theory, time-space, perception, collage space, abstract expressionism, correlation, architectural education, situationist, institutional critique, alternative, minimal, land art, creative, collaboration, temporalised, relational.
Issue Date: 8-јун-2015
Publisher: University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture
Source: Batakoja, Meri. "Conceptual Interaction between Art Content and Museum Architecture in Art Museum Design (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation)." University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture, 2015.
Abstract: This dissertation introduces the conceptual interaction between art content and museum architecture as an analytical aspect in art museum design and hence elaborates the resulting prototypes and formative ideas that are not yet part of the official body of knowledge on art museum architecture. This specific aspect of art museum architecture was encouraged by recent re-actualizations of some forgotten architectural works and it concurred on the issues of identifying establishments different from the traditional museum within the new museology. The research involves crossing of disciplinary boundaries in order to improve the understanding of the discovered prototypes and formative ideas resulting from the conceptual interaction between art content and museum architecture also referred to as microstructure and macrostructure, respectively.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7496
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Architecture: PhD Theses

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