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Наслов: Fictional Modalities in "Turkish Realistic Folk Tales from the Republic of Macedonia" by Sevim Pilichkova
Authors: Trajce Stameski
Keywords: Folklore, modalities, narratives, realistic folk tales
Issue Date: мај-2018
Publisher: VERMILION International Journal of Literature and Art
Journal: VERMILION International Journal of Literature and Art
Series/Report no.: ISSN: 2545-4277;VERMILION JOURNAL 2.1 (2018)
Abstract: In the book Turkish Realistic Folk Stories from the Republic of Macedoniacreated as a result of a twenty-year field research, the collector, editor and proofreader Sevim Pilichkova points out to a thematic wide repertoire of Turkish realistic folk tales which speaks to the great popularity of these narratives among the narrators -Turks from the Republic of Macedonia.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7199
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philology: Journal Articles

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