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Наслов: Tissot compensation projection for the territory of Macedonia
Authors: Zlatko Srbinoski
Zlatko Bogdanovski
Filip Kasapovski
Tome Geogovski
Keywords: states cartographic projection, Tissot compensation projection, minimal deformations
Issue Date: јул-2019
Publisher: Faculty of civil engineering - Skopje
Journal: Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering - SJCE
Abstract: Presenting of Earth area in the plane is always followed with deformation of angles, lengths and areas. Attempting to find cartographic projection for successful minimizing deformation of basic elements was occupation of many cartographers in the past. In this group, the most important is French cartographer M. A. Tissot. In this work are presented basic characteristic and formulas of Tissot compensation projection. This projection have characteristic for minimizing deformation of angles and lengths, and also have wide usage in cartography especially in the field of states cartographic projection. In common with basic characteristic of projection, in this paper are presented the aspects of use of Tissot compensation projection in the mapping of territory of Republic of Macedonia.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/6752
ISSN: 1857-839X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Journal Articles

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