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Наслов: “Presidential Sistem of the USA through a prism of the Roman Republic”
Authors: Runcheva Tasev, Hristina
Apostolovska-Stepanovska Milena
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Macedonian Political Science Forum
Journal: Macedonian Journal of Political Science e-Proceeding of Papers, Year 3, Vol. VIII, June 2016. UDC. No.32/ Ebsco Publishing/eISSN: 1785-6812.
Abstract: The United States is an original and best-known model of a presidential system in the world. Its originality is incontestable, but its roots may be found in the history of the Roman Republic as a universal and timeless model of organization of government. The authors argue that there is a strong impact of the legacy of the Roman Republic on the modern concept of presidential system in the United States by drawing many similarities and parallels between them. Therefore, this paper analyses whether Polybius and his works influenced the “founding fathers” of modern America, and whether the US Constitution is based on ancient theories of the Roman Republic.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/6439
ISSN: 1857-9167
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law: Journal Articles

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