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Наслов: Comparative features and outcomes of major neurological complications of COVID-19
Authors: Beghi E
Moro E
Davidescu EI
Popescu BO
Grosu O
Valzania F
Cotelli MS
Kiteva Trenchevska G 
Zakharova M
Kovács T
Armon C
Brola W
Yasuda CL
Maia LF
Lovrencic-Huzjan A
de Seabra MML
Avalos-Pavon R
Aamodt AH
Meoni S
Gryb V
Ozturk S
Karadas O
Krehan I
Leone MA
Lolich M
Bianchi E
Rass V
Helbok R
Bassetti CLA
ENERGY Study Group
Keywords: COVID-19
neurological complications
Issue Date: окт-2022
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Source: Beghi E, Moro E, Davidescu EI, Popescu BO, Grosu O, Valzania F, Cotelli MS, Kiteva-Trenchevska G, Zakharova M, Kovács T, Armon C, Brola W, Yasuda CL, Maia LF, Lovrencic-Huzjan A, de Seabra MML, Avalos-Pavon R, Aamodt AH, Meoni S, Gryb V, Ozturk S, Karadas O, Krehan I, Leone MA, Lolich M, Bianchi E, Rass V, Helbok R, Bassetti CLA; ENERGY Study Group. Comparative features and outcomes of major neurological complications of COVID-19. Eur J Neurol. 2023 Feb;30(2):413-433. doi: 10.1111/ene.15617. Epub 2022 Dec 7. PMID: 36314485; PMCID: PMC9874573.
Journal: European Journal of Neurology
Abstract: Background and purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the neurological complications of SARS- CoV- 2 infection and compare phenotypes and outcomes in infected patients with and without selected neurological manifestations. Methods: The data source was a registry established by the European Academy of Neurology during the first wave of the COVID- 19 pandemic. Neurologists collected data on patients with COVID- 19 seen as in- and outpatients and in emergency rooms in 23 European and seven non- European countries. Prospective and retrospective data included patient demographics, lifestyle habits, comorbidities, main COVID- 19 complications, hospital and intensive care unit admissions, diagnostic tests, and outcome. Acute/ subacute selected neurological manifestations in patients with COVID- 19 were analysed, comparing individuals with and without each condition for several risk factors. Results: By July 31, 2021, 1523 patients (758 men, 756 women, and nine intersex/unknown, aged 16– 101 years) were registered. Neurological manifestations were diagnosed in 1213 infected patients (79.6%). At study entry, 978 patients (64.2%) had one or more chronic general or neurological comorbidities. Predominant acute/subacute neurological manifestations were cognitive dysfunction (N = 449, 29.5%), stroke (N = 392, 25.7%), sleep– wake disturbances (N = 250, 16.4%), dysautonomia (N = 224, 14.7%), peripheral neuropathy (N = 145, 9.5%), movement disorders (N = 142, 9.3%), ataxia (N = 134, 8.8%), and seizures (N = 126, 8.3%). These manifestations tended to differ with regard to age, general and neurological comorbidities, infection severity and non- neurological manifestations, extent of association with other acute/subacute neurological manifestations, and outcome. Conclusions: Patients with COVID- 19 and neurological manifestations present with distinct phenotypes. Differences in age, general and neurological comorbidities, and infection severity characterize the various neurological manifestations of COVID-19.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/31383
DOI: 10.1111/ene.15617
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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