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Authors: Gavrilovska-Brzanov A 
Keywords: DISC bird personality test
collaborative environment
workplace success
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Department of Anaesthesia and Reanimation, Faculty of Medicine, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, R.N. Macedonia
Journal: Macedonian Journal of Anaesthesia
Abstract: The foundation of any successful institution is teamwork. Improved performance, a more engaged staff, and elevated levels of trust are observed in collaborative workplaces. Establishing a collaborative environment among medical experts is crucial in the medical sector to ensure organizational success and effective patient care. The dynamics of teamwork in healthcare environments are challenging, with a special emphasis on interactions among leaders and employees. This evaluation assesses and improves collaboration dynamics among healthcare professionals by introducing the DISC (Desired Outcome, Outputs, Process and Enablers) assessment framework. This framework classifies individuals into distinct personality types: Dominant, Outstanding, Supportive and Cautious. Inspired by number of personality typologies, such as the well-known 4 Bird Personality Test with its dove, owl, peacock and eagle archetypes, the DISC evaluation adds further archetypes to its repertory of characters. The afore-mentioned supplementary personas offer refined perspectives on personal inclinations and modes of communication in healthcare groups. To get a better idea of how the birds cooperate, you can mix and match the afore-mentioned categories. Although, the data that comes out of it should be used as a reference to assist us in making improvements to our life in light of the conclusions. Healthcare leaders can customize tactics to foster productive collaboration by utilizing the unique qualities of each personality type and the traits that go along with them. The DISC evaluation is investigated in the application approach to promoting a collaborative culture among healthcare teams through case studies and useful insights. At the end, this strategy leads to better patients’ care outcomes, staff satisfaction and organizational success
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/31092
ISSN: 2545-4366
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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