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Наслов: Rosuvastatin effects on the HDL proteome in hyperlipidemic patients
Authors: Vavlukis, Ana
Mladenovska, Kristina 
Davalieva, Katarina
Vavlukis, Marija 
Dimovski, Aleksandar 
Keywords: Profilin-1
high-density lipoprotein
phospholipid transfer protein
platelet factor 4 variant
Issue Date: сеп-2023
Publisher: SCIENDO
Source: Vavlukis A, Mladenovska K, Davalieva K, Vavlukis M, Dimovski A. Rosuvastatin effects on the HDL proteome in hyperlipidemic patients. Acta Pharm. 2023 Sep 14;73(3):363-384. doi: 10.2478/acph-2023-0034. PMID: 37708957.
Journal: Acta pharmaceutica (Zagreb, Croatia)
Abstract: The advancements in proteomics have provided a better understanding of the functionality of apolipoproteins and lipoprotein-associated proteins, with the HDL lipoprotein fraction being the most studied. The focus of this study was to evaluate the HDL proteome in dyslipidemic subjects without an established cardiovascular disease, as well as to test whether rosuvastatin treatment alters the HDL proteome. Patients with primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia were assigned to 20 mg/day rosuvastatin and blood samples were drawn at study entry and after 12 weeks of treatment. A label-free LC-MS/MS protein profiling was conducted, coupled with bioinformatics analysis. Sixty-nine HDL proteins were identified, belonging to four main biological function clusters: lipid transport and metabolism; platelet activation, degranulation, and aggregation, wound response and wound healing; immune response; inflammatory and acute phase response. Five HDL proteins showed statistically significant differences in the abundance (Anova ≤ 0.05), before and after rosuvastatin treatment. Platelet factor 4 variant (PF4V1), Pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 2 (PSG2), Profilin-1 (PFN1) and Keratin type II cytoskeletal 2 epidermal (KRT2) showed decreased expressions, while Integrin alpha-IIb (ITGA2B) showed an increased expression after treatment with rosuvastatin. The ELISA validation of PFN1 segregated the subjects into responders and non-responders, as PFN1 levels after rosuvastatin were shown to mostly depend on the subjects' inflammatory phenotype. Findings from this study introduce novel insights into the HDL proteome and statin pleiotropism.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30523
DOI: 10.2478/acph-2023-0034
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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