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Наслов: Experiences and practices from application of rockfall remedial works at MKD national road network
Authors: Jovanovski, Milorad 
Peševski, Igor
Papić, Jovan Br.
Abazi, Sead
Issue Date: 1-дек-2023
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Journal: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Abstract: Rockfalls, landslides and floods continue to have a growing share in the overall damages and losses, influencing considerably the national budget. Recent experiences and practices related to application of stabilisation measures and remediation of rockfall zones along MKD national road network are presented in the article. Analyses are based on case histories where the prognosis of geotechnical conditions is a key element in definition of remedial measures for rock slopes. Some issues related with Consequence Class, as suggested in Eurocode 7 202x, and the concepts of Acceptable Level of Risk are presented. Proposals in definition of Acceptable Level of Risk, through combining Probability of Failure, Reliability Index and Consequence Classes, are given in the article. These findings can help in development and/or improvement of rockfall, landslide and flood risk management strategies.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30518
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/1297/1/012010
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Conference papers

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