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Наслов: The Significance of EEG Neurofeedback Method in the Treatment of Specific Learning Disorders
Authors: Filipova, Silvana
Galevska Jovchevski, Vasilka
Durmishi, Naser 
Jankova, Renata 
Keywords: EEG Neurofeedback
Brain Waves
Learning Difficulties
Issue Date: мај-2024
Publisher: Genesis Global Publication
Journal: International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
Abstract: Learning refers to the acquisition of new knowledge or changes in behavior resulting from experiences, which leave traces in the brain. Reading disorder, one of the most common specific learning disorders, is particularly significant as it impacts fundamental learning abilities. This study focuses on utilizing EEG neurofeedback as a treatment method for dyslexia, presented through a case study. The objective is to demonstrate how self-regulation of brain activity, facilitated by EEG neurofeedback, influences the mastery of reading skills. To evaluate the effects of EEG neurofeedback training on reading proficiency, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) and the three-dimensional reading assessment test by Kostić et al. (1983) were employed. The findings revealed that targeting specific brain areas associated with dyslexia and implementing EEG neurofeedback led to improvements in the child's awareness, concentration, and focused attention. Consequently, reading speed increased, error frequency and types decreased, and comprehension improved. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of protocols targeting the activation of high-frequency beta waves (>13 Hz) and the inhibition of slow waves in treating dyslexia in this case. The child exhibited enhanced organization, attention, and concentration, demonstrated by improved ability to connect letters into words, spell words, and faster transformation from graphemes to phonemes. Additionally, reading speed increased, and other errors diminished following EEG neurofeedback treatment. Combining EEG neurofeedback with speech therapy accelerated the development of reading skills.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30305
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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