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Наслов: The precision of CT in detecting atypical forms of active pulmonary tuberculosis
Authors: Nikolova, Sonja 
Keywords: lung
Respiratory system
CT-High Resolution
Computer Applications-Detection
Issue Date: мај-2024
Publisher: European Society of Radiology
Source: Nikolova, S.,The precision of CT in detecting atypical forms of active pulmonary tuberculosis;(2024);EPOS,e-poster gallery;ECR2024;C-21960
Series/Report no.: ECR EPOS 2024;C-21960
Conference: European Congress of Radiology, March 2024, Vienna, Austria
Abstract: The primary objective of this investigation is to underscore the intricate diagnostic capabilities inherent in Computed Tomography (CT) for discerning the nuanced presentations of active pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). CT imaging stands out for its unparalleled precision in revealing subtle variations within PTB manifestations, often imperceptible through conventional radiography methods [1, 2]. This study emphasizes the paramount importance of comprehensive chest CT analysis in clinical practice. It aims to highlight the critical significance of identifiable diagnostic patterns and markers, advocating for their pivotal role as guiding indicators in the diagnostic process. The scientific underpinning of this approach stems from the collective observations in the field, underscoring the essentiality of leveraging discernible imaging features derived from CT scans for accurate and timely PTB diagnoses [3]. By delving into the nuanced insights gleaned from CT imaging, healthcare practitioners can better navigate the intricate challenges involved in the differential diagnosis of PTB. This research meticulously examines distinct CT imaging features, encompassing cavitation patterns, tree-in-bud opacities, and pleural involvement, with the goal of refining diagnostic precision and expanding the diagnostic toolkit available to clinicians. The comprehensive understanding and integration of these discernible CT imaging markers and patterns not only enhance diagnostic accuracy but also aid in monitoring treatment responses and identifying potential complications or disease relapses. This approach, founded on clinical observations and empirical evidence, empowers clinicians with a more nuanced, comprehensive, and evidence-based diagnostic approach essential for precise identification and effective management of PTB, thereby elevating standards of patient care.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30137
DOI: 10.26044/ecr2024/C-21960
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Conference papers

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