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Наслов: Captured states and/or captured societies in the Western Balkans
Authors: Cvetičanin, Predrag
Bliznakovski, Jovan
Krstić, Nemanja
Keywords: state capture
societal capture
informal practices
political elites
Western Balkans
Issue Date: 6-фев-2023
Publisher: Informa UK Limited
Journal: Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
Abstract: This article proposes the new concept of societal capture for analysing informal practices implemented by political elites in Western Balkan societies. In contrast to the notion of state capture, which refers to a mechanism of exploitation of state and public resources by political and economic elites, the concept of societal capture denotes a mechanism of domination of political elites over civil society actors (citizens, trade unions, NGOs, religious institutions), and economic actors (private companies and private media), aiming to perpetuate their political rule. The article describes and illustrates three core mechanisms of societal capture and points out that notions of state capture and societal capture refer to different types of informal practices in terms of their aims, preconditions for functioning, mechanisms used, outcomes, levels of secrecy, and their social effects.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/29854
DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2023.2170202
Appears in Collections:Institute of Sociological, Political and Juridical Research: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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