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Title: Economic Aspects of Security Risks in the Republic of Macedonia
Other Titles: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference The Great Powers Influence on the Security of Small States. Faculty of Security, Skopje, pp. 189-202.
Authors: Nikolovski, Marjan
Gerasimoski, Saše
GJurovski, Marjan 
Keywords: risk, security risk, threat, security, security institution, economy, unemployment, poverty
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Faculty of Security-Skopje
Conference: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference The Great Powers Influence on the Security of Small States. Faculty of Security, Skopje, pp. 189-202.
Abstract: One of the basic principles that should be taken into consideration in the concept and functioning of the security system is the economic aspect. When designing the security system, the level of the economic development of the society should be considered, accordingly, it should be allocated for financing of defense and security, i.e., to avoid excessive investment in security, to carry out economic exhaustion and disabling normal functioning of other institutions. On the other hand, a stable security situation, integrating the country into international security associations, enables the increase of foreign investments, and thus the improvement of the domestic economy. This means that we can talk about an interactive relationship between the economy and the security of a state. What is lacking, is scientific research results that will point out to the relation between economics and security. Scientific research in the field of security risks in the Republic of North Macedonia is insufficient, and the existing is without a solid theoretical elaboration of the problem of the research. In this effort we emphasize the economic aspects of the results of the controversial research of the scientific public on the topic "Exploring the Security Risks in the Republic of Macedonia", preceded by field working of rational approaches in defining the security risks, with special emphasis on the impact of unemployment and poverty on the security of a state. The research includes the public experts, that is, representatives of the institutions that have direct competence in dealing with security risk threats.
ISBN: 978-608-4828-48-8 (T-1) 978-608-4828-49-5 (T.2)
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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