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Наслов: SUCCOR study: an international European cohort observational study comparing minimally invasive surgery versus open abdominal radical hysterectomy in patients with stage IB1 cervical cancer
Authors: Chiva, Luis
Zanagnolo, Vanna
Querleu, Denis
Martin-Calvo, Nerea
Arévalo-Serrano, Juan
Căpîlna, Mihai Emil
Fagotti, Anna
Kucukmetin, Ali
Mom, Constantijne
Chakalova, Galina
Aliyev, Shamistan
Malzoni, Mario
Narducci, Fabrice
Arencibia, Octavio
Raspagliesi, Francesco
Toptas, Tayfun
Cibula, David
Kaidarova, Dilyara
Meydanli, Mehmet Mutlu
Tavares, Mariana
Golub, Dmytro
Perrone, Anna Myriam
Poka, Robert
Tsolakidis, Dimitrios
Vujić, Goran
Jedryka, Marcin A
Zusterzeel, Petra L M
Beltman, Jogchum Jan
Goffin, Frederic
Haidopoulos, Dimitrios
Haller, Herman
Jach, Robert
Yezhova, Iryna
Berlev, Igor
Bernardino, Margarida
Bharathan, Rasiah
Lanner, Maximilian
Maenpaa, Minna M
Sukhin, Vladyslav
Feron, Jean-Guillaume
Fruscio, Robert
Kukk, Kersti
Ponce, Jordi
Minguez, Jose Angel
Vázquez-Vicente, Daniel
Castellanos, Teresa
Chacon, Enrique
Alcazar, Juan Luis
On behalf of the SUCCOR study Group
Igor Aluloski 
Nikola Badzakov
Issue Date: сеп-2020
Publisher: BMJ Journals
Journal: International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer
Abstract: Minimally invasive surgery in cervical cancer has demonstrated in recent publications worse outcomes than open surgery. The primary objective of the SUCCOR study, a European, multicenter, retrospective, observational cohort study was to evaluate disease-free survival in patients with stage IB1 (FIGO 2009) cervical cancer undergoing open vs minimally invasive radical hysterectomy. As a secondary objective, we aimed to investigate the association between protective surgical maneuvers and the risk of relapse.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/28766
DOI: 10.1136/ijgc-2020-001506
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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