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Наслов: Citizens’ Perception and Concerns on Chemical Exposures and Human Biomonitoring—Results from a Harmonized Qualitative Study in Seven European Countries.
Authors: Matisane Linda
Knudsen E Lisbeth
Lobo Vincente Joana
Uhl Maria
Katsonouri Andromachi
D van den Brand Annick
Berman Tamar
Dimovska Mirjana 
Anastasi Eleni
Thoma Anthi
Kozepesy Szilvia
Gjorgjev, Dragan 
Borota Popovska Mirjana
P den Braver-Sewradj Shalenie
Szigeti Tamas
Topuzovska Latkovikj Marija
Martinsone Inese
Akulova Lasma
Paegle Linda
Keywords: HBM4EU
chemical exposure
citizen reflections
focus group
human biomonitoring
Issue Date: 25-мај-2022
Publisher: MDPI
Source: Matisāne L, Knudsen LE, Lobo Vicente J, Uhl M, Katsonouri A, van den Brand AD, Berman T, Dimovska M, Anastasi E, Thoma A, Középesy S, Gjorgjev D, Borota Popovska M, den Braver-Sewradj SP, Szigeti T, Topuzovska Latkovikj M, Mārtiņsone I, Akūlova L, Paegle L. Citizens' Perception and Concerns on Chemical Exposures and Human Biomonitoring-Results from a Harmonized Qualitative Study in Seven European Countries. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 May 25;19(11):6414. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19116414. PMID: 35681998; PMCID: PMC9180191.
Проект: HBM4EU
Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 
Abstract: Exposure to different chemicals is an inevitable part of our everyday lives. Within HBM4EU, focus group discussions were conducted to gather data on citizens' perceptions of chemical exposure and human biomonitoring. These discussions were hosted in Cyprus, Denmark, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, the Netherlands, and North Macedonia following a protocol developed in the first round of discussions. Results indicate the very high concern of European citizens regarding food safety and the environment. Focus group participants were well aware of potential uptake of chemicals through food consumption (e.g., preservatives, flavor enhancers, coloring agents, pesticides, fertilizers, metals), drinking water, or from polluted air and water. One of the positive aspects identified here, is the high interest of citizens in awareness and education on personal measures to control exposure. The promotion of personal behavioral changes requires active involvement of society (e.g., commuting habits, energy choices, waste disposal, dietary habits). Activities should focus on raising awareness of the general public, implementation of policy measures, and mainstreaming of related topics into the education system. Raising awareness of the general public may promote engagement of citizens, which in turn may empower them to put pressure on politicians to take effective actions. There is also a need for further research which might focus on the impact of country-specific situations and of the COVID-19 pandemic on the exposure of citizens to chemicals.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/28618
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19116414
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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