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Наслов: ROW DATA of article "Spin-coated CZTS films prepared by two different precursor mixing regimes, at room temperature and at 150oC"
Other Titles: XRD and Transmittance Datasets
Authors: Mimoza Ristova
Ramadan Aliti
Keywords: CZTS thin films, stoichiometry, sol-gel, spin-coating, chemicals mixing temperature, mixing protocol, band gap, crystal parameters
Issue Date: 26-ное-2023
Проект: NA
Journal: Heliyon
Abstract: In this paper, we examine the impact of the precursor’s mixing temperature and mixing protocol on the structural, morphological and optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films. Four samples of CZTS thin films were synthesized using the sol-gel spin coating technique by previously mixing the precursors at (a) 150℃ and (b) room temperature (RT), either (i) all at once or (ii) through sequential adding the individual chemicals 30 minutes apart. SEM-EDX, XRD, Raman and Visible spectroscopy analysis showed that sample 150℃-ST (chemicals mixed at the same time at 1500C) fulfilled all the theoretical stoichiometric criteria (Cu-poor and Zn-rich) for the high-quality CZTS absorbers. The larger grain size (850 nm) and crystallite size (73.96 nm), lower strain value (0.49×10^(-3)) and band gap E_g=1.44 eV which is closest to the Shockley–Queisser limit for single junction solar cells (1.34 eV).
Опис: This is a deposition of two datasets from the paper above: (1) Transmittance spectra DATA, and (2) XRD patterns DATA.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/28585
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: PhD Theses

Files in This Item:
File Опис SizeFormat 
CZTS thin films_Transmittance_RawDATA.xlsxTransmittance spectra of four CZTS films410.66 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLView/Open
CZTS thin films_XRD_RawDATA.xlsxXRD Patterns of four CZTS films79.61 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLView/Open
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