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Наслов: Estimation of Time Since Death by using Algorithm in Early Postmortem Period
Authors: Poposka, Verica 
Gutevska, A.
Stankov, Aleksandar 
Pavlovski, Goran 
Jakjovski, Zlatko 
Janeska, B.
Keywords: time of death
electric and chemical excitability
cooling of the body
postmortem lividity
rigor mortis
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Journal: Global Journal of Medical Research
Abstract: Estimation of the time since death in the early post mortem period is performed by analysis of the supravital signs and the early signs of death. Using several methods for determining the time since death increases significantly the preciseness and reliability upon estimation of the time since death. The objective of this paper is to find a way for faster and more simple estimation of the time since death by using several parameters. At the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Criminology an analysis of five parameters for estimation of time since death was performed: supravital reactions (electrical excitability of muscles, chemical excitability of muscles) and early signs of death (cooling of the body, post mortem lividity and rigor mortis) at 120 cases with known time of death. Obtained results have been used for preparation of a special table #x2013; algorithm, which contains the limit minimum and maximum values of the post mortem period for each tested parameter. The algorithm makes the work easier for the person doing the autopsy, enabling easy and fast estimation of the probable post mortem period.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/28364
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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