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Наслов: Challenges of the demographic ageing in the Republic of North Macedonia – current situation and prospects
Authors: Lozanoska, Aleksandra 
Janeska, Verica 
Djambaska, Elizabeta
Keywords: demographic aging
fertile population
working-age population
old population
population policy
Issue Date: окт-2022
Publisher: Institute of Economics - Skopje
Journal: Economic Development, Journal of Institute of Economics - Skopje
Series/Report no.: Economic Development, Journal of Institute of Economics - Skopje;Year 24, No.2 2022
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to identify the changes in the period 2002-2021 and current situation related to population ageing and basic functional contingents of the resident population in North Macedonia. Based on the analysis the main challenges in terms of demographic and socio-economic development on mid and long term are determined and areas in which appropriate policies should be developed. The analyses show that resident population has declined for about 12% and the demographic ageing was accelerated. It results with decrease of the number of children for 27%, young population (32%), working-age population for (12.4%) and female fertile population (21.4%), while the population aged 65+ increased for 47.5%. In circumstances of extremely unfavorable demographic situation, the country is facing three major challenges referring to the necessity to mitigate the decrease of the resident population and of the young working-age population, as well as the rapid growth and aging of the elderly population. Each of them is equally complex and requires great attention and comprehensive activities of the policy makers in the country. Indisputable interrelation of the policies in all these areas requires creation and of a comprehensive strategy for family that should include all relevant aspects related to promoting its position and sustainability.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/26792
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.55302/ED22242061l
Appears in Collections:Institute of Economics: Journal Articles

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