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Наслов: Improving the contouring accuracy of High Speed Cutting CNC linear motor milling machine tool
Authors: Pandilov, Zoran 
Keywords: Contouring accuracy, CNC linear motor milling machine, High Speed Cutting, position loop gain, sampling period
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Editura Politehnica
Journal: Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 20, Issue 2/2022, pp.66-70
Abstract: In recent years, instrumentation circular profile tests have been specified to assess the contouring accuracy of CNC machine tools. Such an instrumentation type test is the HEIDENHAIN grid encoder system, which is particularly appropriate for dynamic measurements, especially at high feed rates. In this paper influence of the position loop gain and sampling period on the contouring accuracy of CNC High Speed Cutting linear motor milling machine are effectively studied.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/26736
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Journal Articles

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