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Наслов: Translation of Food Discourse
Authors: Neshkovska, Silvana & Sonja Kitanovska-Kimovska
Keywords: adjective attribute, Macedonian language, journalistic substyle
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: "St. Kliment Ohridski" University, Faculty of Education - Bitola
Journal: TEACHER, International Journal of Education
Series/Report no.: Vol. 22;November 2021
Abstract: This work researches the usage of adjective attribute in the journalistic substyle of the Macedonian language in the consensual relation of the nouns which signify person (personal nouns) in order to find out the most frequently used types, as well as, to note the eventual differences in its use due to the area of the article. The sample consists of 40 journalistic articles from various areas, and the starting point in determining the type of attribute is Minova-Gjurkova’ theory (2000). For data processing and reaching the conclusions, descriptive statistics is used as well as analysis, synthesis and comparison. The research shows that the analyzed journalistic articles are quite repeatedly using the basic adjective attribute presented with relative adjectives and wide varieties of combinations with adjectives, numbers, pronouns, counting that there is no difference due to the area of the article itself. It also suggests that in the articles there is no creativity in the forms showing ordinary adjective attribute and its use is limited to well known adjectives which may affect the quality of expression.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/26670
ISSN: 1857-8888
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philology: Journal Articles

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