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Наслов: Connected Health Systems Supported by Blockchain: An overview
Authors: Trajkovik, Vladimir
Gavrilov, Goce
Savoska, Snezana
Issue Date: 16-окт-2020
Conference: AIIT 2020 – International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies
Abstract: This paper analyzes the application of blockchain based approach for exchange of healthcare data within ambient assisted living systems, transforming them into connected health systems. When it comes to the consequences of abuse to the complex health-related data, their portability and discretion ask novel approaches in management of healthcare data. This paper analyzes the possibility and the potential of the blockchain technology in the systems dealing with healthcare data exchange. The purpose of this research is to justify the reasoning why to use distributed consensus introduced by blockchain technology in the domain of the connected health systems.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/26611
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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