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Наслов: Adverse effects of thalidomide administration, in patients with myeloma multiplex?
Authors: Krstevska Balkanov, Svetlana 
Sotirova, Tatjana 
Genadieva Stavrikj, Sonja 
Cevreska, Lidija
Stojanovikj, Aleksandar 
Balkanov, Trajan 
Issue Date: апр-2014
Publisher: ScopeMed
Journal: Materia socio-medica
Abstract: Myeloma multiplex is defined by the presence of monoclonal plasma cell population in the bone marrow>10%,M protein in the serum and/or urine ,and clinical evidence of end organ damage like hypercalcemia ,renal failure, anemia, or bone lesions. In the most hematologic malignancies the role of induction treatment is to achieve complete remission (CR). Thalidomide became a new therapeutic approach but use of Thalidomide as a single agent or combination with steroids or chemotherapy is associated with several side effects like deep vein thrombosis (DVT), peripheral neuropathy (PN), constipation, somnolence, pyrexia, pain, fatigue osteonecrosis of jaw, and teratogenicity that is the most worrying adverse event. Risk of appearance of DVT increased if we use combination of Thalidomide plus Dexamethasone plus cytotoxic chemotherapy such Cyclophosphamide. >30% DVT usually occurs during the first months of treatment and is more frequent in newly diagnosed patients with a high tumor burden. The second side effect is peripheral neuropathy (PN) which occurs in 50% of patients with MM treated with Thalidomide plus Dexamethasone and chemotherapy.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/26524
ISSN: 1512-7680
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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