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Наслов: AI planning for organizing personal schedules
Authors: Milosev, Pece
Ackovska, Nevena 
Issue Date: 23-мај-2011
Publisher: IEEE
Conference: 2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention MIPRO
Abstract: Automated planning and scheduling is one of the main branches of AI. It was a very hot topic back in the nineties, and theoretically it hasn’t changed much in the last several years. In practice, it has proven to be a crucial component of many industrial and scientific processes, but has not yet become integral part of our daily lives. On the other hand, due to the advances in the information technology in the last decade, we are witnessing a drastic change in the daily human-computer interaction. The internet has become main information source, and with the growth of the mobile industries, more and more people are using their smartphones as their tool for retrieving this information. In this paper we will analyze the possibilities of using these advances to make a planning system that will optimize our daily activities.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24298
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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