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Наслов: Barriers to employee skills development: Comparative analysis of firms in North Macedonia
Authors: Piperkova, Irina; Lozanoska, Aleksandra
Keywords: skills development, skills utilization, small and medium businesses
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Institute of Economics-Skopje
Journal: Economic Development, Year23, No.2-3/2021
Series/Report no.: Year 23, No.2-3/2021;
Abstract: The 21st century race for talents has positioned skills development and utilization as one of businesses’ primary concerns. Indeed, firms’ sustainability in today’s turbulent and competitive environment depends, among other, on the skillsets of their employees. Businesses face various obstacles in their quest for acquiring and developing adequate employee skills. The main aim of this paper is to present key obstacles to developing employee skills in firms in North Macedonia, based on organizational size and business activity. An insight into the barriers to employee skills development would help firms implement corrective measures to achieve appropriate employee skill development and utilization. Lack of applicants’ adequate skills in the recruitment process, lack of employees’ motivation to upgrade their skills and insufficient employee training are perceived as one of the most significant barriers to employee skills development.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24244
DOI: 005.336.5-057.16:005.963]:334.72.012.63/.63(497.7)
Appears in Collections:Institute of Economics: Journal Articles

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