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Наслов: Effects and usage of emotion aware robots that perceive human voice
Authors: Kirandziska, Vesna 
Ackovska, Nevena 
Keywords: Emotions, Robotics, Human-Robot interaction, Psychology, Sound Perception
Issue Date: 22-јул-2013
Journal: Proceedings IADIS Multi Conference Computer Science and Information Systems
Abstract: Emotion perception is the process of perceiving other people’s emotions based on their facial expression, movement, voice and other biosignals they emit. But, because of the vague definition of emotions, their function and manifestation are not strictly defined. Consequently, in Information Computer Technology (ICT) automatic emotion perception is hard problem that is still open. The questions that arise are weather there can exist an automatic calculation of people’s emotions, how precise they are and witch are the most important human features that can be included in the perception process. Here, evidence that the robot emotion perception resembles the human emotion perception will be given. This paper also presents a discussion about our and similar robots that classify human emotions in positively and negatively evaluated emotions. Making robots that perceive emotions arises many social and psychological questions. Some of these questions are considered in this paper. Evidence that the robot emotion perception resembles the human emotion perception will be given.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24209
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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