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Authors: Ukalli, Kaltrina
Antovski, Ljupcho
Keywords: Requirements, Requirement Engineering, Risk, Risk Management
Issue Date: 21-мај-2018
Journal: KNOWLEDGE-International Journal
Abstract: Software development has become one of the most important industries in the past decade, as a consequence of the inseparable connection to the modern technologies. Relying on the growth of new technologies, this industry is facing lots of innovations and a lot more challenges. The key to fit into these innovations is flexibility and adaptability to changes. These changes come from the evolution of technology and software applications and have direct impact on the productivity of the software companies. The main aim of the software companies is to make useful products to fulfill people needs and desires, and in meantime to benefit from them in many ways. Their profitability is a composition of success, enormous incomes and fame. In order to achieve their goals they have to invest in good project plans and project management. Software companies also tend to be on top, by carefully analyzing and reviewing the market needs same as the costumer and end-user needs. This is a long and crucial process, known as requirement engineering, where the services that the system ought to do are determined, as well as the constraints under the system will operate. Descriptions of these services are represented by the term requirements. The most important thing in the beginning of the product development is that the requirements should be clearly specified, in order to skip uncertainty, ambiguity and vagueness, because in case there is any doubt, the product might fail to fulfill its goals. Since the products that need to be developed are relatively new and complex, they are followed by possibilities of harm called risks, which while neglected, might lead them to problems or even project failure. Dealing with these risks is the primary job of the specific field of project management called risk management. These risks might have negative effect, but there are also some risks that have positive effect too, known as opportunities. However, if some of risks are identified in the initial stages of the project, such as during the requirement engineering, and are well managed, it will save the company of lots of troubles, including time and budget loss. This paper gives an overview about requirement engineering as the fundamental phase in project management and the importance of risk management. Furthermore, here it is discussed the significant relationship between these two, which has a great influence in the project success. Having in mind that unwanted situations can occur anytime during the product development, forecasting and managing risks from the beginning is a good start. This paper is dealing specifically with some traps that might occur during the requirement engineering process and are given options how to deal with them. The role of risk management is briefly explained, including the risk management process and its phases. Some strategies or methods to deal with risks are discussed as well. By good risk management is meant the proper usage of strategies, whether they are positive or negative risks. Some of the strategies to deal with risks in general are considered, especially in the requirement engineering process. The focus of this work is to give an idea of corresponding strategies to specific risks, in order to deal with them in a way that the product can benefit or to avoid possible damages or in the worst case product failure.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23948
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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