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Наслов: Empirical Analysis of Quality Models in Practice in Small IT Companies in SEE Region
Authors: Imeri, Florinda
Antovski, Ljupcho
Hamiti, Mentor
Keywords: software quality, quality models, metrics, testing techniques
Issue Date: 2-јун-2015
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal: Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
Abstract: A significant problem of the global industry is the costs of software problems or errors which affects not only software developers but their customers and the end users of the software. Systems fail because of inadequate performance, security, reliability, usability, or precision, commonly known as quality characteristics. Quality is one of the main assets which enable a firm to enhance its global competitive position. Software metrics and quality models help increase the performance by measuring software quality. Different software quality models are proposed by different researchers. A number of well known quality models are used to build quality software. Using the survey technique this study investigated the use of quality models in practice and the testing practices, conducted among ten software companies in SEE region, Macedonia and Kosovo. This research relies upon collection of empirical data, “qualitative” from interviews with managers regarding the use of quality models, quality assurance techniques, and “quantitative” from questionnaire, filled in by practitioners.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23947
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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