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Наслов: Determination of Fire Resistance of Eccentrically Loaded Reinforced Concrete Columns Using Fuzzy Neural Networks
Authors: Lazarevska, Marijana 
Trombeva Gavriloska, Ana 
Laban Mirjana
Knezevic Milos
Cvetkovska, Meri 
Keywords: Fuzzy neural networks, fire resistance, RC columns
Issue Date: 23-авг-2018
Publisher: Hindawi
Journal: Complexity
Abstract: Artificialneural networks,ininteraction withfuzzy logic, genetic algorithms,and fuzzy neuralnetworks, represent anexample ofa modern interdisciplinary field, especially when it comes to solving certain types of engineering problems that could not be solved using traditional modeling methods and statistical methods. They represent a modern trend in practical developments within the prognosticmodeling fieldand,withacceptablelimitations,enjoyagenerallyrecognizedperspectiveforapplicationinconstruction. Results obtained from numerical analysis, which includes analysis of the behavior of reinforced concrete elements and linear structures exposed to actions of standard fire, were used for the development of a prognostic model with the application of fuzzy neural networks. As fire resistance directly affects the functionality and safety of structures, the significance which new methods and computational tools have on enabling quick, easy, and simple prognosis of the same is quite clear. This paper will consider the application of fuzzy neural networks by creating prognostic models for determining fire resistance of eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete columns.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/2381
DOI: 10.1155/2018/8204568
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Journal Articles

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