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Наслов: Structural Application and Analytical Calculation of GFRP Pultruded Elements
Authors: Jovanoska, Milica
Petkovska Oncevska, Svetlana
Todorov, Koce 
Chifliganec, Cvetanka
Keywords: FRP, pultrusion, design codes, section design, stability, buckling
Issue Date: окт-2017
Publisher: Society for materials and structures testing of Serbia
Conference: XXVII Congress and International Symposium on Researching and Application of Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering in The Field of Materials and Structures, Vršac 2017
Abstract: The FRP elements obtained by the process of pultrusion are advanced, adaptable and in the hands of engineers open new horizons for application. They have their origin in the automotive and aviation industry, but in the last two decades their structural application has been intensified. This paper summarized their structural application, also gives an overview of current standards and codes for their design. The analytical calculation for columns under axial compression and simply supported beams under concentrated load is conducted. Because the pultrusion elements are characterized by high strength, but small modulus of elasticity, local or global stability or the deformation limits are governing design criteria and not the strength criteria.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/2353
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Conference papers

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