Ве молиме користете го овој идентификатор да го цитирате или поврзете овој запис: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/2343
Наслов: On the exponential ultradistribution semigroups in Banach spaces
Authors: M. Kostic, S. Pilipovic, D. Velinov
Keywords: exponential ultradistribution semigroups, tempered ultradistributions, abstract fractional Cauchy problem
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Serbia
Проект: Grant 177024
Journal: Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation
Series/Report no.: 7;2
Abstract: In this paper, we continue our previous research studies of exponential ultradistribution semigroups in Banach spaces. The existence and uniqueness of analytical solutions of abstract fractional relaxation equations associated with the generators of exponential ultradistribution semigroups have been considered. Some other results are also proved.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/2343
ISSN: 2406-1573
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Journal Articles

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