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Наслов: Reiterative (m_n)-distributional chaos for binary relations over metric spaces
Authors: M. Kostic, D. Velinov
Keywords: reiterative (m_n)-distributional chaos of type s, reiterative $\lambda$-distributional chaos of type s, reiterative $[\tilde{X},m_n,i]$-distributional chaos, reiterative $[\tilde{X},\lambda, i]$-distributional chaos, binary relations.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia
Проект: Grant 174024
Journal: Matematicki Bilten
Abstract: The paper intends to be a heuristical study. Let $(m_n)$ be an increasing sequence in $[1,\infty)$ satisfying $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{m_n}{n}$, $\lambda\in(0,1]$, $s\in\{0,1-,1+,2-\}$ and $i\in{\mathbb N}\cap[1,20]$. we introduce and analyze the concepts of reiterative $(m_n,\tilde{X})$-distributional chaos of type s, reiterative $(\lambda, \tilde{X})$-distributional chaos of type s, reiterative $[\tilde{X},m_n,i]$-distributional chaos and reiterative $[\tilde{X},\lambda,i]$-distributional chaos for general sequences of binary relations over metric spaces.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/2342
ISSN: 0351-336X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Journal Articles

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