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Наслов: Multi-country experience in delivering a joint course on software engineering–numerical results
Authors: Budimac, Zoran
Putnik, Zoran
Ivanović, Mirjana
Bothe, Klaus
Zdravkova, Katerina 
Jakimovski, Boro 
Keywords: Common course; joint project; multiple universities; software engineering
Issue Date: 15-јан-2014
Journal: The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
Abstract: A joint course, created as a result of a project under the auspices of the ‘Stability Pact of South-Eastern Europe’ and DAAD, has been conducted in several Balkan countries: in Novi Sad, Serbia, for the last six years in several different forms, in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia, for two years, for several types of students, and in Tirana, Albania, in the form of a crash, seven-day course, for the last two years. In this paper, we will put an emphasis on the assessment methods used within these courses, and compare them with the ‘original’ course that has been conducted at the Humboldt University in Berlin for almost a decade. Having a good environment for comparisons we draw some conclusions about teaching software engineering in different environments.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23274
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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