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Наслов: Heartbeat tracking application for mobile devices-arrhythmia recognition module
Authors: Nakić, Draško
Madzarov, Gjorgji
Gjorgjevikj, Dejan
Keywords: arrhythmia recognition, pulse extraction, feature extraction, support vector machine, mobile application
Issue Date: 21-јун-2010
Publisher: IEEE
Conference: Proceedings of the ITI 2010, 32nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces
Abstract: We want to introduce a lightweight system for arrhythmia recognition. The system is intended for outdoor use and is supposed to be implemented in mobile devices, primarily smart phones and smartwatches. We are only concerned about extracting pulses from an ECG stream and passing them to an Arrhythmia Recognition Module - ARM. These two basic tasks should be completed fast and effectively and give an alert when arrhythmia occurs. The ARM we designed relies on simple algorithm for feature extraction and gives an error of 2.007% with false/positives over false/negatives ratio of 19.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23138
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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