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Наслов: 1. Emilija Toshikj, Impact of Ink Limiting Level for Printing Sublimation Paper on Quality of Sublimation Print, V International Scientific Conference ”Centemporary Trends and Innovations in the Textile Industry”, September 15-16 Belgrade, Serbia, 2022, pp. 364-369.
Authors: Emilija Toshikj
Issue Date: сеп-2022
Publisher: Unio of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia
Conference: 1. Emilija Toshikj, Impact of Ink Limiting Level for Print V International Scientific Conference ”Centemporary Trends and Innovations in the Textile Industry”, September 15-16 Belgrade, Serbia, 2022
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23079
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy: Conference papers

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