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Наслов: Институционалните наспроти вонинституционалните форми на изучување на македонскиот музички фолклор во Република Македонија
Authors: Димитријевски, Александар
Keywords: Macedonian music folklore
non-institutional education
Issue Date: 2017
Journal: Ars Academica – Меѓународно научно списание за изведувачки уметности
Conference: Научен собир „Едукација, традиција, современи тенденции“. ФМУ, Скопје, 2016
Abstract: Studying Macedonian music folklore from the aspect of its performers (instrumentalists and singers) raises several issues. One of the first issues is related to the music education of the performers. This poses the question of how and to which extent the performers' education influenced the development of Macedonian music folklore. Another question is whether the knowledge of writing and reading notes and the knowledge of performing as well as interpreting the repertoire is the direct cause of such development of the Macedonian music folklore in contemporary environment. In this paper I will try to determine the diversification of the music education of the performers of Macedonian music folklore, but also the significance of the non-institutional vs. the institutional form of education and the role of each type of education in the formation of the performers of Macedonian music folklore.
Опис: Број 5; година IV
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/2170
ISSN: 1857-9477
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Music: Journal Articles

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