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Наслов: Identification of daily activites and environments based on the adaboost method using mobile device data: A systematic review
Authors: Ferreira, José M
Pires, Ivan Miguel
Marques, Gonçalo
Zdravevski, Eftim 
Lameski, Petre 
Garcia, Nuno M
Flórez-Revuelta, Francisco
Spinsante, Susanna
Keywords: daily activities recognition; ensemble learning; ensemble classifiers; environments; mobile devices; sensors; systematic review
Issue Date: 20-јан-2020
Publisher: MDPI
Journal: Electronics
Abstract: Using the AdaBoost method may increase the accuracy and reliability of a framework for daily activities and environment recognition. Mobile devices have several types of sensors, including motion, magnetic, and location sensors, that allow accurate identification of daily activities and environment. This paper focuses on the review of the studies that use the AdaBoost method with the sensors available in mobile devices. This research identified the research works written in English about the recognition of daily activities and environment recognition using the AdaBoost method with the data obtained from the sensors available in mobile devices that were published between 2012 and 2018. Thus, 13 studies were selected and analysed from 151 identified records in the searched mdatabases. The results proved the reliability of the method for daily activities and environment recognition, highlighting the use of several features, including the mean, standard deviation, pitch, roll, azimuth, and median absolute deviation of the signal of motion sensors, and the mean of the signal of magnetic sensors. When reported, the analysed studies presented an accuracy higher than 80% in recognition of daily activities and environments with the Adaboost method.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/21016
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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