Ве молиме користете го овој идентификатор да го цитирате или поврзете овој запис: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/20073
Наслов: Dataset for land and elevation cover that can be used in propagation prediction and radio link and network performance over the territory of N.Macedonia.
Authors: Latkoski, Pero 
Gavrilovska, Liljana 
Issue Date: 2022
Related Publication: Radio Spectrum: Evaluation Approaches, Coexistence Issues and Monitoring
Methods for Radio Spectrum Evaluation and Monitoring
Abstract: The files in the dataset contain the complete dataset for land and elevation cover that can be used in propagation prediction and radio link and network performance over the territory of N.Macedonia. In RF prediction a balance is required between calculation time and the accuracy. The number of records are the number of points between the TX and the RX unit that are taken in account in a simulation. More points will result in a higher accuracy and will take a long time to calculate. Less points will have a low accuracy but require a short calculation time. The provided dataset represent a compromise in this manner, when producing country-wide calculations.
Опис: Each data file is in XYZ format. XYZ files contain latitude, longitude and elevation of each point separated by spaces. Files are organized by latitude values from 40 to 42 degrees N, and latitude from 20 to 23 degrees E.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/20073
Appears in Collections:UKIM 03: Datasets

Files in This Item:
File Опис SizeFormat 
N40E20.XYZLatitude N40, longitude E2041.78 MBUnknownView/Open
N40E21.XYZLatitude N40, longitude E2142.25 MBUnknownView/Open
N40E22.XYZLatitude N40, longitude E2242.22 MBUnknownView/Open
N40E23.XYZLatitude N40, longitude E2342.26 MBUnknownView/Open
N41E20.XYZLatitude N41, longitude E2042.07 MBUnknownView/Open
N41E21.XYZLatitude N41, longitude E2142.24 MBUnknownView/Open
N41E22.XYZLatitude N41, longitude E2242.25 MBUnknownView/Open
N41E23.XYZLatitude N41, longitude E2342.25 MBUnknownView/Open
N42E20.XYZLatitude N42, longitude E2042.05 MBUnknownView/Open
N42E21.XYZLatitude N42, longitude E2142.26 MBUnknownView/Open
N42E23.XYZLatitude N42, longitude E2342.25 MBUnknownView/Open
N42E22.XYZLatitude N42, longitude E2242.26 MBUnknownView/Open
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