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Наслов: Systems of company management in Macedonia
Authors: Petrevska, Biljana;
Simov Mishoska, Jasmina
Keywords: corporate governance, one-tier system, two-tier system, company, management
Issue Date: дек-2018
Publisher: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia
Conference: Fourth International Scientific Business Conference LIMEN 2018, Leadership & Management: Integrated Politics of Research and Innovations, Belgrade, Serbia, December 13, 2018
Abstract: Successful management of companies depends on the corporate governance, i.e. on the supervision and control of the company. However, the choice of one of the systems of corporate governance (one-tier and two-tiered system) is really complex, and at the same time it is a key issue that every business entity faces at the beginning of its business venture. The basic criterion for distinguishing these two basic models of company management for corporate governance, is the way of organizing management functions and oversight. Hence, the main goal of this paper is to analyze, first and foremost, the two management systems, and then to see the differences and common features that these models possess. Knowledge of this paper are the various models of corporate governance (one-tier and two-tier) through the prism and the development of corporate governance in the Republic of Macedonia. In this way, our intention with this paper is to help decision-makers in the companies (i.e. managers, directors, owners, shareholders) to choose the right and the best management model for their business entity.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/19122
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law: Journal Articles

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