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Наслов: Review of the Production of Electricity from Photovoltaics in the Republic of Macedonia
Authors: Dedinec Kanevche, Aleksandra
Tomovski, Igor
Kocarev, Ljupco
Keywords: solar energy, photovoltaic power plants, electricity production
Issue Date: 2000
Journal: Contemporary Materials
Abstract: : Global trends in the energy sector are focused towards extensive inclusion of renewable sources in the energy production. Solar energy has proven to be a valuable candidate, especially for direct conversion into electricity. Its wider use has, so far, among other, been constrained by the technological limitations, resulting in higher production costs compared to those from conventional non-renewable sources, primarily coal. In that sense, the efforts of the scientific community have for long been directed towards development of both efficient and inexpensive solutions. However, the major boost in the electricity production from photovoltaics (PV) came from the legislative measures, primarily the introduction of feed-in tariffs. Following the global trends, a significant increase in PV inclusion in the electricity production was made in the Republic of Macedonia. In the article we give a brief review of the achieved progress.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/19007
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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