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Наслов: Life Sentence Prisoners in the Republic of Macedonia
Authors: Gruevska Drakulevski, Aleksandra
Keywords: life sentence prisoner, personal traits, imprisonment, sentence, sanction
Issue Date: 2014
Journal: Iustinianus Primus Law Review
Abstract: The article analyses the most important personal traits of life sentence prisoners in the Republic of Macedonia in order to give a profile of an offender of the most serious crimes. In determining the profile of an offender in general, he is analysed and is examined not as a biological being, but as a distinct social type of person with characteristics and traits formed under the influence of the negative features of the social environment. In a separate chapter, the author of the article analyses personal characteristics and traits of life sentenced prisoners in the the Republic of Macedonia based on the results of a research conducted in prison Idrizovo as a penitentiary institution, where all life sentence prisoners are serving their prison sentence. Personal characteristics of life sentence prisoners are relevant in determining the aetiology of the most serious crimes. Also, knowing the personality of a serious offender is of great importance for the application of appropriate treatment for successful realization of the process of re-socialization.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1853
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law: Journal Articles

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