Ве молиме користете го овој идентификатор да го цитирате или поврзете овој запис: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/17489
Authors: Borche Daskalovski
Keywords: interpersonal coordination / basketball / playmaker / back / wing / wing center / center / uni variant analysis / multi variable analysis / probability absolute / relative likelihood / amount / ratio crossed the ball /
Issue Date: 19-мар-2014
Publisher: Faculty of physical education, sport and health – Skopje
Abstract: The survey is conducted in order to study and compare the differences and define interpersonal coordination between players from basketball leagues that are analyzed, determining the relationship of variables applied in each of the leagues studied separately as well as in the total sample of respondents, determining intergroup differences for variables that define for each attack separately from respondents and all respondents from the four leagues studied, determining the absolute probabilities , the amount of possession compared to the probability of crossing the ball between player positions of participants from four leagues and determining multy variant differences in variable controlled the ball down in the players positions in all four sub samples. The survey was conducted on the total sample of respondents and the same count 368 basketball players, divided into four sub samples: the first sub sample covers basketball players in the NBA and has a total of 101 respondents included in this survey .Second sub sample covers the Euro basketball - league and has a total of 95 subjects covered by this sub survey. Third sample covers the first Macedonian basketball players basketball league and has a total of 71 respondents covered by this sub survey. Fourth sample includes basketball players from ABA Adriatic League and has a total of 101 respondents included in this research. The research applied 34 variables divided into two spaces. The first area is to assess the performance of the players of games, respectively the valorization of their impact on competition in leagues explored. To calculate the performance of each player covered in this study there are 14 variables applied . The second variables used in this study is to assess the level of cooperation or collaboration wielded by players who are studied. When calculating the ratio of the total amount of received and given balls to determine how much each player has possession and which is the center of the neuro - biological networks that are in team sports, respectively between players. Calculated and the largest conditional probability flow between the ball game positions and the level of synergy between them. Therefore taken 20 variables which determine interpersonal coordination. Based on the results, performed the interpretation and discussion of them come to the following specific findings: Among respondents in the NBA's largest association found between variables include the total number of attempts and the total number of different Network goals distances, jumps in attack and defense the total number of goals. Among respondents from the Euro league, major associations occur between variables include the total number of attempts, the total number of goals from different distances and seized and cut balls and jumps in variables between attack and defense, the number jumps to total points scored and total number of points and small distances from the free-throw line. Among respondents from the First Macedonian Basketball League, the largest linkages are established between the variables include the total number of attempts and the total number of goals from different distances, with assistance, seized and cut balls with variables leaps in attack. Among respondents from ABA Adriatic League greatest relationship exists between variables include: total number of attempts and scored points with small distances variables total goals and variables that include jumps in attack and defense and total rebounds. In the total sample respondents were identified associations between variables include the total number of trials and goals of various distances, and the total number of jumps to the total number of attempts and scored baskets from various distances. Determined statistically significant differences between the means of variables applied to attack the four sub samples studied in variables: total number of goals scored two points (FG), total attempts for two points (FGA) and assists (ACC). For all variables the respondents achieved the best results in the NBA. Determined statistically significant differences between the means of the variables applied in defense among the four sub samples studied in the variable defensive rebounds (DR) and total rebounds (TOTR). Respondents in the NBA achieved the best results in these two variables. By mathematically calculated values obtained there are significant differences in the absolute probabilities, the amount of possession compared to the probability of crossing the ball toys positions in the total sample of respondents studied four leagues ,from the application of multi variant analysis and uni variant variable in possession of the ball in attacking positions after players among all four sub samples are obtained statistically significant differences by which it can be concluded that property owners who exercise their players in positions surveyed toys leagues is approximately the same.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/17489
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health: PhD Theses

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